CLIEDIS is excited to announce we have published a set of API technical specifications in JSON for member review. These specifications demonstrate the CLIEDIS API Design Principles in practice. They further demonstrate our ability to deliver CITS API standards using a repeatable approach, making external facing APIs much easier, faster, and cheaper to implement.
To create these specifications, we developed tooling that ensures we can produce standard API specifications quickly and consistently. If you want to see the specification for a specific API, just let us know, and we can use this tool to create the JSON specification for you.
We have also updated the CITS API Design Principles to fully build out each of the design patterns.
The JSON specifications and the CITS API Design Principles are available in the CLIEDIS Resource Center in the Technical Resources / APIs folder. You must be a CLIEDIS member to access it. Members that use SWAGGER can also subscribe to be a member of the CLIEDIS Hub to access the API specification in that tool as well. Contact to be added.
These specifications are considered examples only, so that developers can see what a CITS API will look like for each scenario and begin building towards the different patterns. We are looking for member feedback on these specifications. We encourage developers to review the files and provide us with feedback.
If you would like more information about the CLIEDIS API Initiative or have specific questions regarding the CITS API Design Principles, please contact for more information.
Who We Are
CLIEDIS is the only objective resource dedicated to advancing standardized data exchange for the Canadian life insurance industry. If you want to exchange data, you need CLIEDIS at your side.