At the CLIEDIS Annual General Meeting, held on April 7, 2016 the membership elected the CLIEDIS executive for 2016-2017.
Andy Cunningham (PPI) and Alan Bett (Manulife) continue as CLIEDIS co-chairs and Heather Clarke (Investors Group) continues as Treasurer.
Thank you to those who contributed to CLIEDIS’ success in the past year and we look forward to continuing success in the upcoming year.
CLIEDIS Executive Committee 2016-2017:
Alan Bett (Manulife)
David Brubacher (BMO Insurance)
Richard Burjoski (Holliswealth)
Tracey Cambridge (Global Pacific)
Heather Clarke (Investors Group)
Darlys Corbitt (Canada Life)
Dennis Craig (RBC Insurance)
Andy Cunningham (PPI)
Mike Daicoff (ivari)
Mario Provencher (Financial Horizons)
Jay Sankoff (Sun Life)