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SSQ Assurance Approval For Application Notification Feed

News / Apr.25.2018

SSQ Assurance has received Canadian Life Insurance Electronic Data Interchange Standards (CLIEDIS) Approval for its Canadian Insurance Standardizations (CITS) Application Notification feed. This new feed will provide distributors with the information they need regarding new business and can be used to populate their agency administration systems.  The feed includes both paper and e-applications received and will be sent as soon as e-applications are received at SSQ Assurance or when the paper application is entered into the SSQ system.  Products included in the feed are Life, Term, UL, Critical Illness and Disability.

Meets national standards
SSQ Assurance worked closely with CLIEDIS to ensure the feed complies with the CITS standards. The data feed meets new guidelines outlined by CLIEDIS.

Availability of Feed
Feed availability is pending the completion of activities currently underway.

If you are interested in receiving the Application Notification feed, Pending feed or Book of Business feed, please contact Nadia Prévost.

For more information, please contact Nadia.Prevost@ssq.ca.

Darlys Corbitt
Executive Director, CLIEDIS
Email: dcorbitt@cliedis.ca
Phone: 519-702-7643


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